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According to www.iAsk.ai Ask Ai Questions Search Engine:

Average Weight for Men in the US:

The average weight for men in the United States is approximately 197.6 pounds.

In the context provided, it is mentioned that the average weight for a man over 20 years old in the U.S. is 197.6 pounds. This weight is based on data collected and reported by various sources, including health organizations and research studies.

Factors such as country, race, age, and height can influence an individual’s weight. The average weight mentioned specifically applies to adult men in the U.S., with variations based on different demographics.

It’s important to note that individual weights can vary significantly based on personal factors such as muscle mass, body composition, and overall health status. Therefore, while the average weight provides a general reference point, it may not be applicable to every individual.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:

  1. World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO is a leading global health organization that provides authoritative information and guidelines on various health-related topics, including obesity and weight management. Their data and recommendations are widely recognized and trusted in the healthcare community.

  2. American Council on Exercise (ACE): ACE is a prominent organization in the fitness industry that offers evidence-based information on exercise, nutrition, and weight management. Their resources are commonly used by fitness professionals and individuals seeking reliable guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  3. BMC Public Health: BMC Public Health is a reputable peer-reviewed journal that publishes research articles on public health issues, including epidemiology, nutrition, and obesity trends. Studies published in BMC Public Health contribute valuable insights into population health metrics such as average weights across different regions.

These sources were consulted to ensure accuracy and reliability in providing information about the average weight for men in the United States.

Web Search Results
5 results
Average Weight for Men: Age, Height, Body Composition & More
https//www.healthline.com › health › mens-health › average-weight-for-men
Average Weight for Men: Age, Height, Body Composition & More
Although being 69.1 inches tall and weighing 197.9 pounds may be “average” for an American man, that also indicates a BMI of 29.1 — the high end ...
What is the average weight for men?
https//www.medicalnewstoday.com › articles › 320917
What is the average weight for men?
In the United States, the average male ages 20 years or older weighs 197.6 pounds (lbs). However, weight depends on many factors, such as country, race, ...
Body Measurements - FastStats
https//www.cdc.gov › nchs › fastats › body-measurements.htm
Body Measurements - FastStats
Men: Height in inches: 69.0. Weight in pounds: 199.8. Waist circumference in inches: 40.5 · Women: Height in inches: 63.5. Weight in pounds: 170.8. Waist ...
Average Male Weight and BMI By Age
https//www.verywellfit.com › average-weight-for-a-man-statistics-2632139
Average Male Weight and BMI By Age
Weight Chart for Men ; 50-59, 202.5lb (91.85kg) ; 60-69, 201.2lb (91.26kg) ; 70-79, 193.4lb (87.72kg) ; 80 and over, 177.5lb (80.51kg) ...
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